How to Breed All Dragon | Dragon Mania

Dragon Mania is yet the latest dragon breeding game on IOS and Android.

The dragons can be bred using a combination of one element (basic dragons), two elements (Generation 1 dragons), or three elements (Generation 2 dragons). Each dragon is unlocked at different levels. The basic dragon can be purchased in the market when you reach the unlock level.

The breeding process in Dragon Mania is started at the breeding den which can be purchased in the market once you reach level 4. To create hybrid dragons (two elements and three elements dragon), you need to place two dragons in the breeding den. The breeding time varies depending on the dragons. Place the egg after the dragon breeding in the nursery or sell it for money. Once the egg is hatched in the nursery, you can then place the baby dragon in the dragon element habitat. You do have limited habitat spaces, so select your dragons wisely.

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Basic Dragon Mania Dragon Breed

Basic dragons do not require breeding. Purchase the dragon egg from the market and hatch the egg in the nursery. Each dragon is associated with an element. Below is a list of the Dragon Mania dragon elements currently available in the game.

  • Fire
  • Wind
  • Earth
  • Water
  • Plant
  • Metal
  • Energy
  • Void
  • Light
  • Shadow
  • Crystal
  • Radiant
  • Ragnarok

Generation 1 Dragon Mania Dragon Breeds

Generation 1 Dragon Mania Dragons can be created by breeding two basic dragons in the breeding den.

Earth Dragon Based Generation 1

Earth + Fire = Lava Dragon
Earth + Metal = Golem Dragon
Earth + Shadow = Ash Dragon
Earth + Water = Mud Dragon
Earth + Wind = Dust Dragon

Energy Dragon Based Generation 1

Energy + Fire = Lightning Dragon
Energy + Ice = Tornado Dragon
Energy + Plant = Sunflower Dragon
Energy + Water = Eel Dragon
Energy + Wind = Razor Dragon

Fire Dragon Based Generation 1

Fire + Earth = Lava Dragon
Fire + Energy = Lightning Dragon
Fire + Light = Plasma Dragon
Fire + Ragnarok = Dark Machine Dragon
Fire + Void = Blueflame Dragon
Fire + Water = Boiling Dragon
Fire + Wind = Smoke Dragon

Light Dragon Based Generation 1

Light + Fire = Plasma Dragon
Light + Metal = Golden Dragon
Light + Plant = Berry Dragon
Light + Shadow = Storm Dragon
Light + Void = Archangel Dragon
Light + Water = Rainbow Dragon

Metal Dragon Based Generation 1

Metal + Earth = Golem Dragon
Metal + Light = Golden Dragon
Metal + Shadow = Armored Dragon
Metal + Void = Magnet Dragon
Metal + Water = Mercury Dragon

Plant Dragon Based Generation 1

Plant + Energy = Sunflower Dragon
Plant + Light = Berry Dragon
Plant + Water = Melon Dragon

Radiant Dragon Based Generation 1

Radiant + Water = Spearhead Dragon

Ragnarok Dragon Based Generation 1

Ragnarok + Fire = Dark Machine Dragon

Shadow Dragon Based Generation 1

Shadow + Earth = Ash Dragon
Shadow + Light = Storm Dragon
Shadow + Metal = Armored Dragon
Shadow + Void = Doom Dragon
Shadow + Wind = Cloud Dragon

Void Dragon Based Generation 1

Void + Fire = Blueflame Dragon
Void + Light = Archangel Dragon
Void + Metal = Magnet Dragon
Void + Shadow = Doom Dragon
Void + Water = Rain Dragon

Water Dragon Based Generation 1

Water + Earth = Mud Dragon
Water + Energy = Eel Dragon
Water + Fire = Boiling Dragon
Water + Light = Rainbow Dragon
Water + Metal = Mercury Dragon
Water + Plant = Melon Dragon
Water + Radiant = Spearhead Dragon
Water + Void = Rain Dragon
Water + Wind = Ice Dragon

Wind Dragon Based Generation 1

Wind + Earth = Dust Dragon
Wind + Energy = Razor Dragon
Wind + Fire = Smoke Dragon
Wind + Shadow = Cloud Dragon
Wind + Water = Ice Dragon

Generation 2 Dragon Mania Dragon Breeds

Generation 2 Dragon each possesses three elements. There are two methods to create a generation 2 dragon.
1) Basic + Generation 1
2) Generation 1 + Generation 1

We have found that method two has a higher chance of successfully breeding the three-element. We have provided a breeding combination sample to help you get started. It should be noted that the generation 2 or triple elemental dragons are harder to come by, you will almost always get a double elemental dragon instead. Simply keep on trying until you breed them all!

Below are outlines of Generation 2 dragon and its elements:

Earth Dragon Based Generation 2

Earth + Fire + Energy = Lynx Dragon (Possible combination: Golem + Lightning)
Earth + Fire + Metal = Ironcast Dragon (Possible combination: Clay + Metal)
Earth + Fire + Water = Clay Dragon (Possible combination: Lava + Boiling)
Earth + Light + Shadow = Planet Dragon (Possible combination: Ash + Light)
Earth + Plant + Water = Root Dragon (Possible combination: Melon + Mud)
Earth + Plant + Wind = Seed Dragon (Possible combination: Dust + Plant)

Energy Dragon Based Generation 2

Energy + Earth + Fire = Lynx Dragon (Possible Lynx combination: Golem + Lightning)
Energy + Fire + Light = Phoenix Dragon (Possible Phoenix combination: Energy + Plasma)
Energy + Fire + Metal = Meteor Dragon (Possible Meteor combination: Golem + Lightning or Ironcast + Phoenix)
Energy + Metal + Void = Machine Dragon (Possible Machine combination: Magnet + Energy)
Energy + Water + Wind = Tornado Dragon (Possible Tornado combination: Energy + Ice)

Fire Dragon Based Generation 2

Fire + Earth + Energy = Lynx Dragon (Possible Lynx combination: Golem + Lightning)
Fire + Earth + Metal = Ironcast Dragon (Possible Ironcast combination: Clay + Metal)
Fire + Earth + Water = Clay Dragon (Possible Clay combination: Lava + Boiling)
Fire + Energy + Light = Phoenix Dragon (Possible Phoenix combination: Energy + Plasma)
Fire + Energy + Metal = Meteor Dragon (Possible Meteor combination: Golem + Lightning or Ironcast + Phoenix)
Fire + Light + Wind = Tesla Dragon (Possible Tesla combination: Smoke + Light)

Light Dragon Based Generation 2

Light + Earth + Shadow = Planet Dragon (Possible combination: Ash + Light)
Light + Energy + Fire = Phoenix Dragon (Possible combination: Energy + Plasma)
Light + Fire + Wind = Tesla Dragon (Possible combination: Smoke + Light)
Light + Shadow + Void = Ghost Dragon (Possible combination: Storm + Void)

Metal Dragon Based Generation 2

Metal + Earth + Fire = Ironcast Dragon (Possible combination: Clay + Metal)
Metal + Energy + Fire = Meteor Dragon (Possible combination: Golem + Lightning or Ironcast + Phoenix)
Metal + Energy + Void = Machine Dragon (Possible combination: Magnet + Energy)

Plant Dragon Based Generation 2

Plant + Earth + Water = Root Dragon (Possible combination: Melon + Mud)
Plant + Earth + Wind = Seed Dragon (Possible combination: Dust + Plant)
Plant + Shadow + Void = Poison Ivy (Dragon Possible combination: Plant + Doom)
Plant + Water + Void = Nightshade Dragon (Possible combination: Plant + Rain or Melon + Void)
Plant + Water + Void = Venom Dragon (Possible combination:)

Shadow Dragon Based Generation 2

Shadow + Earth + Light = Planet Dragon (Possible combination: Ash + Light)
Shadow + Light + Void = Ghost Dragon (Possible combination: Storm + Void)
Shadow + Plant + Void = Poison Ivy Dragon (Possible combination: Plant + Doom)
Shadow + Water + Wind = Winter Dragon (Possible combination: Shadow + Ice or Cloud + Water)

Void Dragon Based Generation 2

Void + Energy + Metal = Machine Dragon (Possible combination: Magnet + Energy)
Void + Light + Shadow = Ghost Dragon (Possible combination: Storm + Void)
Void + Plant + Shadow = Poison Ivy Dragon (Possible combination: Plant + Doom)
Void + Plant + Water = Nightshade Dragon (Possible combination: Plant + Rain or Melon + Void)
Void + Plant + Water = Venom Dragon (Possible combination:
Void + Water + Wind = Mist Dragon (Possible combination: Tornado + void)

Water Dragon Based Generation 2

Water + Earth + Fire = Clay Dragon (Possible combination: Lava + Boiling)
Water + Earth + Plant = Root Dragon (Possible combination: Melon + Mud)
Water + Energy + Wind = Tornado Dragon (Possible combination: Energy + Ice)
Water + Plant + Void = Nightshade Dragon (Possible combination: Plant + Rain or Melon + Void)
Water + Plant + Void = Venom Dragon (Possible combination:
Water + Shadow + Wind = Winter Dragon (Possible combination: Shadow + Ice or Cloud + Water)
Water + Void + Wind = Mist Dragon (Possible combination: Tornado + void)

Wind Dragon Based Generation 2

Wind + Earth + Plant = Seed Dragon (Possible combination: Dust + Plant)
Wind + Energy + Water = Tornado Dragon (Possible combination: Energy + Ice)
Wind + Fire + Light = Tesla Dragon (Possible combination: Smoke + Light)
Wind + Shadow + Water = Winter Dragon (Possible combination: Shadow + Ice or Cloud + Water)
Wind + Water + Void = Mist Dragon (Possible combination: Tornado + void)

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